Season 2: Meet Dr. David Kimiti

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Global land use has been identified as one of the most significant causes of the rapid increase in climate change yet, Dr. David Kimiti says, little attention is being paid to curbing land degradation. Dr. David is Head of Research and Monitoring at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and a Senior Scientist specializing in Rangeland Ecology. In conversation with the Nairobi Ideas podcast, he shares his ‘systems approach’ to conservation and talks about how Lewa’s work is helping ensure the survival of the Grevy Zebra, while mitigating human-wildlife conflict. Plus, find out how mobile phone technology is being used to collect data on land potential across the globe.

You can listen on iTunes, Google Podcasts, or YouTube which offers a transcribed version.

Further Reading

David Kimiti Social: Twitter @dwkimiti

Gostoli, Ilenia. “Land Degradation Accelerates Global Climate Change.” 8 August 2019. Al Jazeera.

Kimiti, David. “Climate Change and Land Degradation: A Collective Failure in Intervention Triage.” 20 April 2019. David Kimiti Blog Post.

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy 2019 Impact Report.

Mukami, Susan. “The Biggest Threat To Wildlife Right Now Isn’t Poaching, Its Habitat Degradation.“ 25 April 2019. Kenyan Collective.

Obi, Leopold. “Tracking Grevy’s Zebras on Camera” 14 February 2018. The Daily Nation.

Tang, Ming Chun. “Restoration could be our best solution to climate change”. 28 June 2019. Global Landscapes Forum.