Sector Briefs Report: Emerging Trends in Research (2023)
Mawazo Institute recently updated its Fellowship program's admission criteria to align with evolving trends in African research. Previously, the program considered applications from women pursuing PhDs in STEM and social sciences, focusing on Africa's development agenda. However, in early 2023, Mawazo Institute conducted extensive research to understand emerging priorities in African research. This involved analysing thematic priorities of 39 institutions funding research, surveying 20 African experts, and reviewing 11 reports on research trends. Based on these insights, Mawazo identified nine major themes of interest, including Climate Change, Gender, Rights, and Governance, and Information Technology. These cross-cutting themes reflect significant areas of focus across various research sectors and highlight the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. The sector briefs resulting from this research offer valuable insights into key challenges and opportunities shaping future research efforts.