Food Science Publications


Dr Elizabeth Wafula

2021 MLEx Fellow

Considerations for the Shift in Roles of National and County Governance Towards the Realization of Food Security in Kenya - Elizabeth Wafula

In August of 2010, Kenya embraced a new system of governance which involved the devolution of the central government and public participation as its new and critical components. This implied a shift in the roles of national and county governance towards the achievement of food security. This study aimed to call to attention the areas under governance in need of special attention by outlining the history of Kenya’s political economy that has contributed to the current state of food insecurity. It also seeks to reinforce government’s role in food security and propose possible key roles the national and county governments could embrace towards the realization of food security.

Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict the Cooking Times of Aged-Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) - Elizabeth Wafula


The cooking time of beans is an important quality indicator which can change considerably during ageing. Therefore, this study investigated the potential of near-infrared spectroscopy to rapidly predict cooking times of aged common beans. Four bean varieties were aged under different storage conditions, resulting in a range of samples for each of these varieties. The cooking kinetics of the aged beans were determined by finger pressing and modelled using logistic regression to obtain the times it took to cook 95% of the beans.

Prediction of Cooking Times of Freshly Harvested Common Beans and Their Susceptability to Develop the Hard-to-Cook Defect Near Infrared Spectroscopy - Elizabeth Wafula


The cooking time of common beans is influenced by genotype and storage conditions. This study aimed to use near-infrared (NIR) spectra of milled, freshly harvested (fresh) beans to predict their cooking times and their susceptibility to develop the storage-induced, hard-to-cook (HTC) defect. The physical characteristics of bean accessions, from two different seasons, were evaluated.


Rehema Matendo

2021 MLEx Fellow, Congo

Controlling Tuta Absoluta (Meyrick) by Selected Crude Plant Extracts in the Laboratory and in the Screen House - Rehema Matendo


Effects of Commiphora swynnertonii, Synadenium glaucescens and Allium sativum extracts on the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) were evaluated on the adults and in screen house conditions. The adult stage was involved with 30 adults that were reared in an insectarium, the experimental design was a completely randomized design (plant extracts from three plants species  three doses of 2%, 4% and 8%)

African Journal of Agricultural Research Indigenous Rhizobia Strains: The Silver Bullet for Enhanced Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merr) Yield Under Different Soil Conditions in South Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Congo - Rehema Matendo


Soybean is an important crop in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country faced with high levels of war induced malnutrition but its productivity is limited by poor soil fertility coupled with low access to nitrogen mineral fertilizers. Commercial rhizobia strains introduced in 2010 failed to adapt and increase soybeans yields at desired level. We studied the performance of six indigenous rhizobia strains in enhancing soybean productivity compared to two commercial strains USDA110 and SEMIA5019.

Évaluation de la qualité microbiologique des poissons frais commercialisés dans la ville de Bukavu, RD Congo - Rehema Matendo


La présente étude vise à évaluer la qualité microbiologique des poissons consommés dans la ville de Bukavu. Pour ce faire, une enquête semi-structurée couplée aux analyses microbiologiques a été menée auprès des vendeurs de deux espèces de poissons frais dont Oreochromis niloticus et Lates niloticus. Les principaux germes recherchés sont la Flore Aérobie Mésophile Totale (FAMT), les coliformes fécaux, les Staphylococcus aureus et Salmonella spp.