Newsletter Archives

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to stay informed on the latest happenings at Mawazo and Mawazo Learning Exchange.



Honoring African Women Scholars and Innovators - March 2024

Our 40 Fellows, currently in their second phase of the Mawazo Fellowship Programme, are our most varied and diverse in terms of research backgrounds and nationality. In total they represent sixteen (16) African nations. Each is pursuing innovative local research in a range of fields including Agriculture; Technology; Climate Change; Engineering; Gender and Governance; Business, Entrepreneurship and Economics; Health; and Education. Every month we will be spotlighting their achievements and how they are impacting the world with their research.



Research to Reality: The Pathway to Impact - February 2024

On the 17th of February, Mawazo collaborated with Fishbowl for an ideas exchange event between our Fellows & Alumni and the social enterprises who qualified for the Fishbowl challenge. The event was geared towards enhancing the start-ups using the expert opinions and guidance of our Fellows. 

On February 26th, Mawazo was honored to be invited to the Applied Machine Learning Days Community Day at the United States International University in Kenya. This event provided an excellent opportunity for the organization to showcase our recent work and engage with the bright and curious minds of the attendees.



Cheers to 2024: Another Year of Local Solutions & Impact!

Welcome back! We look forward to continuing to have you join us on our mission of seeing more and more African women researchers impacting Africa and building a more sustainable and inclusive future for our promising continent.

In this issue, we share with you a snapshot of what 2024 promises, as well as a highlight reel of our accomplishments in 2023.

We are also excited to introduce to you a new section of the newsletter of "Beyond the Fellowship: Research to Impact" highlighting where members of our Connects Network (alumni network) are beyond their PhD studies.